Python: Master Python Programming In Hindi
This is a Complete Python course in Hindi from beginner to Intermediate level. It Contains 128 downloadable Lectures. Video Lectures are in Hindi Voice. You can Learn it in a very easy way.
नोट :- अगर पेमेंट होने के बाद डॉउनलोड ऑप्शन ओपन ना हो या कोई फाइल डॉनवलोड ना हो पा रही हो तो कान्टैक्ट वाले पेज पर जाकर दिए गये मोबाईल नंबर पर WhatsApp करें या कान्टैक्ट के लिए कोई अन्य उपाय करें। और निश्चिंत रहें । आपको सारी Lecture Files जरूर मिलेंगी।
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For details Click here.Python has become one of the most popular programming languages in the world. This success is largely due to its powerful libraries, which make it ideal for a wide range of applications, from data analysis to machine learning. If you’re looking to learn a new skill, this Python Programming course in Hindi is an excellent place to start.
In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of Python programming, control structures, functions, and object-oriented programming. You will also explore how to use Python to solve real-world problems and build your own applications, such as web apps, and data visualizations. Whether you’re a complete beginner or have some experience with programming, this course will teach you the knowledge and skills you need to code effectively with Python.
One of the great things about Python is that it is an open-source language, which means that it has a large and active community of developers who contribute to its development and maintenance. Some popular Python libraries include NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, and Flask, to name just a few.
Overall, learning Python is an excellent investment in your future. By enrolling in a Python Programming course in Hindi, you’ll be joining a vibrant community of learners and practitioners who are passionate about exploring the frontiers of code.
Here you can see some topics
Syntax Comments Variable creation Output Variable Global Variables Data Types numbers casting
Strings concatenation format strings escape characters string methods boolean operators Lists loop list
List comprehension sort list copy list methods Tuples unpack tuples join Tuples sets loop
Sets Set Methods Dictionaries Loop Dictionaries Nested Dictionaries
Dictionaries methods if else while loops for loops
functions Lambda function Arrays
Classes and Objects Inheritance Iterators Polymorphism Scope Modules JSON Regular Expression Pip
Try Except User Input String formatting
File Open File Write
Matplotlib Subplot Bars Scatter Grid lines Histogram Numpy Pandas
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