Understanding Object Origin in Blender: A Foundational Concept


One of the fundamental concepts in Blender, a popular 3D computer graphics software, is understanding the concept of “Object Origin.” Whether you are a beginner or an experienced user, having a solid comprehension of such origin in Blender is crucial for creating and manipulating objects with precision. In this article, we will dive deeper into the concept of such origin, its significance, and how it impacts your 3D creations in Blender.

Defining Object Origin:

In Blender, every object, be it a 3D model, a light source, or a camera, has a unique “origin point” associated with it. The object origin represents the center of an object’s location in 3D space. It serves as a reference point for various operations including transformations, rotations, and scaling. The origin point is visually represented as a small dot or axes indicator, often color-coded to represent the object’s orientation.

Significance of Object Origin:

Understanding the role of object origin is crucial for effective modeling, animation, and scene composition in Blender. The object’s transform operations, such as moving, rotating, or scaling, are performed in relation to such origin. When you modify an object, Blender calculates and updates its position based on the origin point. This enables precise control over the behavior and appearance of objects within your 3D scene.

Using Object Origin:

The object origin can be manipulated in Blender, offering users a wide range of control over their creations. Here are some key aspects to consider when working with object origin:

1. Placing the origin point: When creating a new object, Blender places the object’s origin at the center of the object’s bounding box by default. However, you can manually relocate the origin point using the “Set Origin” option. This is particularly useful when you want to adjust the object’s rotation or scale behavior around a specific point.

2. Modifying origin point: Blender provides multiple methods to modify the origin point. The “Origin to Center of Mass” option recalculates the origin to align with the object’s volume distribution. You can also position the origin point using the 3D cursor or assign it to another object if needed.

3. Transforming objects with origin point: The object origin plays a vital role when manipulating objects. For instance, scaling objects uniformly or along a specific axis depends on the origin point’s position. Rotating an object revolves around the origin, enabling precise orientation adjustments.


A solid understanding of this concept is essential for anyone working with Blender. Effectively utilizing and controlling the object origin empowers artists, designers, and animators to create visually captivating 3D scenes. By manipulating the object origin, you can achieve desired transformations, rotations, and scaling, resulting in more accurate and efficient modeling in Blender.

What is Object Origin in Blender?

Object Origin in Blender

Object Origin in Blender

The object origin in Blender is a fundamental concept that is crucial to understanding and working with 3D models. In Blender, the object origin refers to the point in 3D space where an object is positioned, rotated, and scaled from. It is essentially the center point of an object, determining its location and orientation within the 3D environment.

The object’s origin is represented by a small orange dot within the 3D viewport, and it is also displayed as a small orange gizmo that indicates the object’s location and orientation. Understanding and manipulating the object’s origin is essential for accurately positioning and transforming objects within a scene.

Whenever we select an object, you will see that a small circle appears in the middle of the object. We call this the origin point. With the help of the location of this origin point, we can perform operations like rotation, scaling, and translation on the object in the scene.

One important aspect of the object origin is its role in the transformation of objects. When an object is moved, rotated, or scaled, these transformations are performed relative to the object’s origin. This means that the object’s position, rotation, and scale are all based on the object’s origin’s point of reference.

Additionally, the object origin also plays a significant role in modeling and editing objects.

Furthermore, the object origin is also crucial for animation and rigging in Blender. It serves as the point of articulation for objects, allowing them to be animated and rigged effectively.

In conclusion, the object origin in Blender is a key concept that influences the positioning, transformation, modeling, and animation of objects within a 3D scene. Understanding how the object’s origin functions and learning how to manipulate it is essential for working effectively with 3D models.

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